Rachel Epp Buller

Artist's Statement
My recent work explores concepts of shared knowledge and imagined histories. Family stories and practical skills are passed down from parent to child, yet much is lost between generations. My prints incorporate artifacts of family and cultural heritage, real and imagined, and textual references to the traditions of fine handwork that were often the purview of mothers and daughters, such as sewing, crochet, and cut-paper work known as *Scherenschnitte*.
Unlike relief prints, screen prints, engravings, or lithographs, which are editioned as multiples, monotypes and *pochoir* prints are singular: only one print is made from the plate and each is unique.
Dr. Rachel Epp Buller explores creative and critical paths in her dual practice as printmaker and art historian. Much of her recent art and scholarship focuses on intersections of art and the maternal. She is currently Associate Professor of Visual Arts and Design at Bethel College.